Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Daytrip to Vic and Besalú

Last Saturday everyone at IES went on an orientation trip north of Spain to the towns of Vic and Besalú.

We went to Vic first which was actually kind of boring...guided tour for about an Then we had about 3 hours of free time, so we went to a episcopal museum. Yeah I've never seen so much religion in my life. So that was kind of boring but then we had lunch at a small pizza and coffee place called Mr. Coffee. The pizza they made was frozen but very good; we had the d'Queso which was loaded with delicious cheeses. After lunch we still had a lotof time so we went to the town casino.There I had a delicious cappucino at the bar. So good.

From there we went back to the buses and drove through the countryside to Besalú which was more was kind of like a city all within walls with thousand year old buildings. It included a Jewish Quarter and the Christian Community; they were separate of course. That was more interesting and picture-worthy. Though we didn't stay there very long.

By this time it was approaching dusk and we headed back to Barcelona. When we arrived we were informed that there was a protest in the plaza in support of Gaza. IES advised us that they were going to drop us off at a different location because of this. It wasn't a big threat but enough to take precautions since we are foreigners here. All in all it was a pretty interesting day.

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